Lucy is a young actress living in a studio apartment across the hallway from Wally’s wholesale refrigerator warehouse. Both work diligently for a life less ordinary but neither is succeeding in the pursuit of their separate passions of Art and Wealth.
To add to the intrigue, Wally has found a box containing an old 16mm projector and some reels of black and white film. These turn out to be Indian elephant fables, and each fable provides the subliminal chorus of our unique tale.
In An Elephant in the Room, the lives of Wally and Lucy collide and collude as each discovers that the world does not necessarily reward good intentions. Yet it is the chaos and turmoil of their circumstances that ultimately provide wisdom, solutions, and some surprising successes to their big life dilemmas.
An Elephant in the Room is an original Australian play written by New Zealand-born playwright, Robert Gough. Starring American stage and screen actor, Bill Ten Eyck, An Elephant in the Room offers local audiences a refreshing and entertaining night at the theatre with its lively dialogue and intriguing plot building to a surprise-filled climax.